Agenda item

Transfer of Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant (WTP)


MOTION (Cadwallader/Mustow) was moved that Council:

1.       As part of its water security risk mitigation approach under the Future Water Project 2060, confirms that its:

(a) Preferred option is to acquire the Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant. (‘The Property’), owned by Ballina Shire Council.

(b) second preferred option is to develop a groundwater treatment plant for Rous’ bores located at Woodburn.

2.       Direct the General Manager to write to the General Manager of Ballina Shire Council requesting that Ballina Shire Council not progress any of the planned upgrade works to the Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant, until Ballina Shire Council has resolved its position in relation to Rous’ Preferred option (1(a)).

3.       In the event that The Property acquisition does not proceed, confirms that the General Manager is authorised to progress the Second preferred option as mentioned above in 1(b).

4.      Authorise:

(a) The General Manager to progress the Preferred and Second options concurrently and negotiate the purchase of The Property as described in the body of the report.

(b) The Chair and General Manager to sign necessary documentation under seal to affect the purchase and transfer of The Property to Rous County Council.

5.       With reference to the 16 December 2020 resolution [61/20] “Note the progress of discussions with Ballina Shire Council regarding the potential transfer or lease of Marom Creek WTP and that a further report will be provided”, note that this report satisfies the requirement to provide a further update on the progress of discussions with Ballina Shire Council.

The MOTION on being put to the meeting was LOST.

Voting for: Crs Cadwallader

Voting against: Crs Cameron, Cook, Coorey, Ekins, Humphrys, Mustow, Williams


AMENDMENT (Ekins/Cameron)was moved that Council:

1.          As part of its water security risk mitigation approach under the Future Water Project 2060, confirms that its:


(a) Preferred option is to acquire the Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant, including ancillary infrastructure and assets, and the Ellis Road and Lindendale groundwater access licenses (‘The Property’), owned by Ballina Shire Council.

(b)   Second preferred option is to develop a groundwater treatment plant for Rous’ bores located at Alstonville.

(c)   Third preferred option is to develop a groundwater treatment plant for Rous’ bores located at Woodburn.

2.          Direct the General Manager to write to the General Manager of Ballina Shire Council requesting that Ballina Shire Council not progress any of the planned upgrade works to the Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant, until Ballina Shire Council has resolved its position in relation to Rous’ Preferred option (1(a)).


3.          In the event that The Property acquisition does not proceed, confirm that the General Manager is authorised to progress the Second preferred option.


4.          Note that the preferred aquifer to source future groundwater supplies for the Preferred and Second preferred options is the Clarence Moreton Basin.


5.          Authorise:


(a)    The General Manager to progress the Preferred and Second options concurrently and negotiate the purchase of The Property as described in the body of the report.

(b)    The Chair and General Manager to sign necessary documentation under seal to affect the purchase and transfer of The Property to Rous County Council.


6.          With reference to the 16 December 2020 resolution [61/20] “Note the progress of discussions with Ballina Shire Council regarding the potential transfer or lease of Marom Creek WTP and that a further report will be provided”, note that this report satisfies the requirement to provide a further update on the progress of discussions with Ballina Shire Council.

The AMENDMENT on being put to the meeting was CARRIED and became the MOTION.

Voting against: Crs Cameron, Cook, Coorey, Ekins, Humphrys, Mustow, Williams

Voting against: Cr Cadwallader

RESOLVED [39/21] (Ekins/Cameron) that Council:

1.         As part of its water security risk mitigation approach under the Future Water Project 2060, confirms that its:


(a) Preferred option is to acquire the Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant, including ancillary infrastructure and assets, and the Ellis Road and Lindendale groundwater access licenses (‘The Property’), owned by Ballina Shire Council.

(b)  Second preferred option is to develop a groundwater treatment plant for Rous’ bores located at Alstonville.

(c)  Third preferred option is to develop a groundwater treatment plant for Rous’ bores located at Woodburn.

2.          Direct the General Manager to write to the General Manager of Ballina Shire Council requesting that Ballina Shire Council not progress any of the planned upgrade works to the Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant, until Ballina Shire Council has resolved its position in relation to Rous’ Preferred option (1(a)).

3.          In the event that The Property acquisition does not proceed, confirm that the General Manager is authorised to progress the Second preferred option.

4.          Note that the preferred aquifer to source future groundwater supplies for the Preferred and Second preferred options is the Clarence Moreton Basin.

5.          Authorise:


(a)    The General Manager to progress the Preferred and Second options concurrently and negotiate the purchase of The Property as described in the body of the report.

(b)    The Chair and General Manager to sign necessary documentation under seal to affect the purchase and transfer of The Property to Rous County Council.

6.          With reference to the 16 December 2020 resolution [61/20] “Note the progress of discussions with Ballina Shire Council regarding the potential transfer or lease of Marom Creek WTP and that a further report will be provided”, note that this report satisfies the requirement to provide a further update on the progress of discussions with Ballina Shire Council.


Supporting documents: