Agenda item

Information reports (cover report)


RESOLVED[8/23] (Humphrys/Cadwallader) that Council receive and note the following reports:


1. Investments – January 2023

2. Water production and consumption – December 2022

3. Debt write-off information summary

4. Delivery program update - 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022

5. Reports/actions pending

6. Supply of Industrial Control and Integration Support Contract # RCC1122-0014


RESOLVED[8/23] (Humphrys/Cadwallader) that Council receive and note the following reports:


1. Investments – January 2023

2. Water production and consumption – December 2022

3. Debt write-off information summary

4. Delivery program update - 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022

5. Reports/actions pending

6. Supply of Industrial Control and Integration Support Contract # RCC1122-0014

Supporting documents: