Agenda, decisions and minutes

Council Meeting - Wednesday, 16th August, 2023 10.00 am

Contact: Noeline Smith 


No. Item


Acknowledgement of Country

Council would like to show its respect and acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Land, of Elders past and present on which this meeting takes place.


Council showed its respect and acknowledged the Traditional Custodians of the Land, of all Elders, on which this meeting took place.


Confirmation of Minutes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 231 KB

Ordinary Council meeting 21 June 2023.


RESOLVED [34/23] (Humphrys/Gordon) that the Minutes of the meeting held 21 June 2023 be approved as presented.


RESOLVED [34/23] (Humphrys/Gordon) that the Minutes of the meeting held 21 June 2023 be approved as presented.

Recorded Vote
TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
Confirmation of Minutes of previous meeting Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 3.

    Disclosure of Interest


    Cr Rob and Cr Gordon declared a significant, non-pecuniary interest in Confidential Item 13.1 Perradenya Estate – update report and will not be present during discussions on the matter. It was also noted Cr Rob and Cr Gordon did not receive a copy of this confidential report.


    Cr Rob and Cr Gordon declared a significant and non-pecuniary interest in Item 11.1 Proposed changes to ownership – Lismore Levee Scheme and will not be present during discussions on the matter.


    Matters of urgency




    Notices of Motion / Questions with Notice

    Nil matters.




    Presentation: Brian Wilkinson (ARIC Chair): Audit Risk and Improvement Committee - Performance Report 2022/23

    (Refer to Item 12.6 – Chair’s Committee Performance report)


    Brian Wilkinson, Chair of the ARIC Committee, presented to Council the ARIC Committee Performance Report 2022/23.


    The Chair thanked Mr Wilkinson for his presentation.

    It was also noted that Mr Wilkinson has resigned from his position as Chair of ARIC after ten years’ service.

    The Chair thanked Mr Wilkinson for his time and effort during his role and wished him all the very best for the future.


    Brian Wilkinson, Chair of the ARIC Committee, presented to Council the ARIC Committee Performance Report 2022/23.


    The Chair thanked Mr Wilkinson for his presentation.

    It was also noted that Mr Wilkinson has resigned from his position as Chair of ARIC after ten years’ service.

    The Chair thanked Mr Wilkinson for his time and effort during his role and wished him all the very best for the future.


    General Manager reports

    Nil matters.




    Group Manager Corporate and Commercial reports


    Preliminary 2022/23 End of Financial Year Summary and Budget Carry Forwards pdf icon PDF 2 MB


    RESOLVED [35/23] (Bruem/Gordon) that Council:

    1.       Receive and note the Preliminary 2022/23 End of Year Financial Summary Report, acknowledging that it is a preliminary summary prior to end of year adjustments and audit.

    2.       Approve the funds to be carried forward as detailed in Tables 11 - 12 of the report.


    RESOLVED [35/23] (Bruem/Gordon) that Council:

    1.      Receive and note the Preliminary 2022/23 End of Year Financial Summary Report, acknowledging that it is a preliminary summary prior to end of year adjustments and audit.

    2.      Approve the funds to be carried forward as detailed in Tables 11 - 12 of the report.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Preliminary 2022/23 End of Financial Year Summary and Budget Carry Forwards Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 8.2

    Retail Water Bad Debt Write-off pdf icon PDF 72 KB


    MOVED (Ndiaye/Humphrys):

    1.       That Council defers the decision until the February 2024 Council meeting with no interest to be applied to the account during that period.

    2.       Staff to continue to work with the customer for the debt recovery of $2,500.

    On being put to the meeting the Motion was Carried.

    RESOLVED [36/23] (Ndiaye/Humphrys):

    1.       That Council defers the decision until the February 2024 Council meeting with no interest to be applied to the account during that period.

    2.      Staff to continue to work with the customer for the debt recovery of $2,500.


    MOVED (Ndiaye/Humphrys):

    1.      That Council defers the decision until the February 2024 Council meeting with no interest to be applied to the account during that period.

    2.      Staff to continue to work with the customer for the debt recovery of $2,500.

    On being put to the meeting the Motion was Carried.

    RESOLVED [36/23] (Ndiaye/Humphrys):

    1.      That Council defers the decision until the February 2024 Council meeting with no interest to be applied to the account during that period.

    2.     Staff to continue to work with the customer for the debt recovery of $2,500.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Retail Water Bad Debt Write-off Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 9.

    Group Manager Planning and Delivery reports


    Proposed change to ownership - Lismore Levee Scheme pdf icon PDF 117 KB


    Cr Gordon and Cr Rob left the meeting at 10.27am.

    Cr Cadwallader arrived 10.27am.

    RESOLVED[37/23] (Cadwallader/Bruem) that Council:

    1.    Acknowledges that the devastating and widespread impact of the 2022 Floods has highlighted the importance of local government partnering and working cooperatively for the benefit of the community.  

    2.    Note that Lismore City Council has been successful in independently securing grant funding under the Northern Rivers Recovery and Resilience Program for upgrade and improvement works to the Lismore Levee Scheme and that Lismore is seeking to engage with Rous regarding consent to undertake those works.

    3.    Recognising that the historic role of Rous in urban flood mitigation has changed and having regard to the Lismore Levee Scheme asset renewal, replacement and upgrade works independently completed and planned by Lismore City Council, resolve to transfer the Lismore Levee Scheme to Lismore City Council and enable centralised control, ownership, operation and maintenance by that Council as the local government entity serving the community directly benefited by the Scheme.

    4.    Invite the Lismore City Council Mayor and General Manager to meet with the Rous Chair and General Manager to negotiate and agree next steps.

    5.    Confirms its commitment to work with Lismore City Council to ensure no delay to any planned upgrade and improvement works for the Lismore Levee Scheme.  

    6.    Write to relevant funding bodies to request financial assistance to affect the transfer of the Lismore Levee Scheme to ensure no cost is borne by either Lismore City Council or Rous.

    7.    Revoke point 1(b) of resolution [84/22] arising from Council’s meeting of 14 December 2022.

    8.    Authorise the General Manager to affect all necessary actions associated with and ancillary to the implementation of this resolution of Council.

    9.    Receive a further update before December 2023.


    Cr Rob and Cr Gordon returned to the meeting at 10.36am.


    Cr Gordon and Cr Rob left the meeting at 10.27am.

    Cr Cadwallader arrived 10.27am.

    RESOLVED[37/23] (Cadwallader/Bruem) that Council:

    1.    Acknowledges that the devastating and widespread impact of the 2022 Floods has highlighted the importance of local government partnering and working cooperatively for the benefit of the community.  

    2.    Note that Lismore City Council has been successful in independently securing grant funding under the Northern Rivers Recovery and Resilience Program for upgrade and improvement works to the Lismore Levee Scheme and that Lismore is seeking to engage with Rous regarding consent to undertake those works.

    3.    Recognising that the historic role of Rous in urban flood mitigation has changed and having regard to the Lismore Levee Scheme asset renewal, replacement and upgrade works independently completed and planned by Lismore City Council, resolve to transfer the Lismore Levee Scheme to Lismore City Council and enable centralised control, ownership, operation and maintenance by that Council as the local government entity serving the community directly benefited by the Scheme.

    4.    Invite the Lismore City Council Mayor and General Manager to meet with the Rous Chair and General Manager to negotiate and agree next steps.

    5.    Confirms its commitment to work with Lismore City Council to ensure no delay to any planned upgrade and improvement works for the Lismore Levee Scheme.  

    6.    Write to relevant funding bodies to request financial assistance to affect the transfer of the Lismore Levee Scheme to ensure no cost is borne by either Lismore City Council or Rous.

    7.    Revoke point 1(b) of resolution [84/22] arising from Council’s meeting of 14 December 2022.

    8.    Authorise the General Manager to affect all necessary actions associated with and ancillary to the implementation of this resolution of Council.

    9.    Receive a further update before December 2023.


    Cr Rob and Cr Gordon returned to the meeting at 10.36am.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Proposed change to ownership - Lismore Levee Scheme Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 9.2

    Lumley Park Bore Retrieval pdf icon PDF 175 KB


    RESOLVED [37/23] (Bruem/Gordon) that Council:

    1.     Receive and note the report.

    2.     Provide an exemption as per Section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) to carry out services valued at over $250,000 without going to tender because of the bespoke nature of the work and the extremely limited supplier options.

    3.     Endorse the continuing engagement of ACS Equip Pty Ltd to a maximum amount of $415,000 (incl GST), as they have a unique set of skills and equipment required to execute the completion of this task with the Lumley Park Bore.


    RESOLVED [37/23] (Bruem/Gordon) that Council:

    1.    Receive and note the report.

    2.    Provide an exemption as per Section 55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) to carry out services valued at over $250,000 without going to tender because of the bespoke nature of the work and the extremely limited supplier options.

    3.    Endorse the continuing engagement of ACS Equip Pty Ltd to a maximum amount of $415,000 (incl GST), as they have a unique set of skills and equipment required to execute the completion of this task with the Lumley Park Bore.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Lumley Park Bore Retrieval Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 10.

    Information reports (cover report) pdf icon PDF 101 KB

    Additional documents:


    RESOLVED [39/23] (Rob/Cadwallader) thatthe followinginformation reportsbe receivedand noted:

    1.    Investments – July 2023

    2.    Water production and consumption – July 2023

    3.    Retail Water Customer Account Assistance

    4.    Debt write-off information summary

    5.    Overview - Local Government NSW Water Conference 26-28 June 2023

    6.    Audit Risk and Improvement Committee – meeting update

    7.    Operational Plan 2022-2023 Scorecard - (Y1-Q4) 01 April 2023 to 30 June 2023

    8.    Tenders awarded by the General Manager under Delegation

    9.    Annual Report: Rous Regional Demand Management Plan 2023-2024

    10. Reports/actions pending


    RESOLVED [39/23] (Rob/Cadwallader) thatthe followinginformation reportsbe receivedand noted:

    1.    Investments – July 2023

    2.    Water production and consumption – July 2023

    3.    Retail Water Customer Account Assistance

    4.    Debt write-off information summary

    5.    Overview - Local Government NSW Water Conference 26-28 June 2023

    6.    Audit Risk and Improvement Committee – meeting update

    7.    Operational Plan 2022-2023 Scorecard - (Y1-Q4) 01 April 2023 to 30 June 2023

    8.    Tenders awarded by the General Manager under Delegation

    9.    Annual Report: Rous Regional Demand Management Plan 2023-2024

    10. Reports/actions pending

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Information reports (cover report) Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 11.

    Confidential matters pdf icon PDF 41 KB


    Cr Rob and Cr Gordon left the meeting at 10.47am.




    RESOLVED [40/23] (Humphrys/Cadwallader) that Council move into Closed Council with the press and public excluded from the meeting based on the grounds detailed below:



    Perradenya Estate – update report

    Grounds for closure

    Section 10A(2) (g) advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.


    The meeting moved to Closed Council at 10.48am.


    Cr Rob and Gordon returned to the meeting at 11.04am.




    RESOLVED [41/23] (Cadwallader/Ndiaye) that the meeting resume to Open Council.


    The meeting moved to Open Council at 11.05am.


    The General Manager read to the meeting the following resolution of Council: 


    Cr Rob and Cr Gordon left the meeting at 10.47am.




    RESOLVED [40/23] (Humphrys/Cadwallader) that Council move into Closed Council with the press and public excluded from the meeting based on the grounds detailed below:



    Perradenya Estate – update report

    Grounds for closure

    Section 10A(2) (g) advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.


    The meeting moved to Closed Council at 10.48am.


    Cr Rob and Gordon returned to the meeting at 11.04am.




    RESOLVED [41/23] (Cadwallader/Ndiaye) that the meeting resume to Open Council.


    The meeting moved to Open Council at 11.05am.


    The General Manager read to the meeting the following resolution of Council: 

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Confidential matters Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 12.

    Perradenya Estate - update report


    RESOLVED [42/23) (Bruem/Cadwallader) that Council:

    1.    Receive and note the report.

    2.    Take all necessary steps outlined in the report to finalise the Perradenya Land Development. If any prior resolution is inconsistent with this resolution, that outstanding resolution is deemed to be revoked.

    3.    Authorise the General Manager to take all steps outlined in the report to finalise the Perradenya Land Development. 


    RESOLVED [42/23) (Bruem/Cadwallader) that Council:

    1.    Receive and note the report.

    2.    Take all necessary steps outlined in the report to finalise the Perradenya Land Development. If any prior resolution is inconsistent with this resolution, that outstanding resolution is deemed to be revoked.

    3.    Authorise the General Manager to take all steps outlined in the report to finalise the Perradenya Land Development. 

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Perradenya Estate - update repor Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 13.

    Close of business


    Meeting closed at 11.08am.