Venue: Administration Office, 218-232 Molesworth Street, Lismore. View directions
Contact: Noeline Smith
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Acknowledgement of Country Council would like to show its respect and acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Land, of Elders past and present on which this meeting takes place. Minutes: Council showed its respect and acknowledged the Traditional Custodians of the Land, of all Elders, on which this meeting took place. |
Confirmation of Minutes of previous meeting Ordinary Council meeting 19 April 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED (21/23) (Cadwallader/Gordon) that the minutes of the meeting held 19 April 2023 be confirmed as presented.
Disclosure of Interest Minutes: General Manager declared a pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 14.1 Chair’s Minute: Annual Performance Review. |
Matters of urgency Minutes: Nil. |
Notices of Motion / Questions with Notice |
Notice of Motion: Acquisition of low-lying, high-risk rural floodplain areas Minutes: MOVED (Rob/Humphrys) that Council investigate a policy position on the acquisition of low-lying, high-risk rural floodplain areas noting: · Artificial drainage of the lowest lying land has the worst environmental impact. · Council has responsibility for drains, canals and floodgates that drain these areas. · These areas were badly impacted in the recent floods, and residents in these areas are at high risk. · Current voluntary programs that facilitate acquisition, land use change and the removal of artificial drainage. · Council’s role in broad strategic planning on the floodplain. · The need to utilise external funding (grant or otherwise) is required. On being put to the meeting the Motion was Carried. RESOLVED(22/23) (Rob/Humphrys) that Council investigates a policy position on the acquisition of low-lying, high-risk rural floodplain areas noting: · Artificial drainage of the lowest lying land has the worst environmental impact. · Council has responsibility for drains, canals and floodgates that drain these areas. · These areas were badly impacted in the recent floods, and residents in these areas are at high risk. · Current voluntary programs that facilitate acquisition, land use change and the removal of artificial drainage. · Council’s role in broad strategic planning on the floodplain. · The need to utilise external funding (grant or otherwise) is required.
General Manager reports Nil. Minutes: Nil. |
Group Manager Corporate and Commercial reports |
Retail water customer account assistance Minutes: RESOLVED (23/23) (Cadwallader/Rob) that Council: 1. Note the applications for assistance presented in the Retail water customer account assistance report. 2. Authorise an increase of $25,000 to the existing budget from available budget savings within the Finance department.
Group Manager People and Performance reports |
Minutes: RESOLVED (24/23) (Rob/Lyon) that Council: 1. Express its thanks to Chair, Mr Brian Wilkinson, for his contributions and commitment to the Committee over the last 10 years. 2. Appoint Laurie Lefcourt as Chair of the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee for a four (4) year term commencing at the conclusion of the hand over period; and 3. Appoint Raymond Wong as Independent Member of the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee for a four (4) year term.
Group Manager Planning and Delivery |
Draft Statement of Commitment Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED (25/23) (Cadwallader/Lyon) that Council: 1. Receive and note the intentions of Rous to establish a Statement of Commitment . 2. Endorse the draft Statement of Commitment as presented.
Revised Terms of Reference – Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED 26/23) (Rob/Humphrys) that Council endorse the draft 2022/24 Terms of Reference for the Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group.
Policies |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED (27/23) (Cadwallader/Lyon) that Council: 1. Revoke the Procurement policy dated 17 December 2014 (Attachment 2) and any other policies revived as a result of the revocation; and
2. Adopt the revised Procurement policy attached to the report (Attachment 1).
Information reports Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED (28/23) (Cadwallader/Lyon) that the following information reports be received and noted: 1. Investments – May 2023 2. Water production and consumption – May 2023 3. Audit Risk and Improvement Committee – meeting update 4. Reports/Actions pending
Confidential matters Minutes: MOVED TO CLOSED COUNCIL
RESOLVED (29/23) (Cadwallader/Gordon) that Council move into Closed Council with the press and public excluded from the meeting based on the grounds detailed below:
The meeting moved to Closed Council at 10.36am
Chair's Minute - Annual Performance Review: General Manager Minutes: The meeting moved to Closed Council at 10.36am
RESOLVED (30/23) (Cadwallader/Rob) that the meeting resume to Open Council.
The meeting moved to Open Council at 10.47am.
The Mayor read to the meeting the following resolution of Council:
i) Chair’s Minute: Annual Performance Review – General Manager
RESOLVED (30/23) (Mustow/Cadwallader) that Council: 1. Accept the recommendation of the Chair and Councillors that assessed the General Manager’s annual review on 17 May 2023 as ‘More than Satisfactory’. 2. Agree to the recommended change to the General Manager’s total remuneration package (TRP) as specified in the report.
Close of business |