Agenda, decisions and minutes

Council Meeting - Wednesday, 16th February, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Administration Office, 218-232 Molesworth Street, Lismore. View directions

Contact: Noeline Smith 


No. Item


General Manager report


Election of chairperson and deputy chairperson pdf icon PDF 271 KB


RESOLVED (Cadwallader/Rob) that Council:

1.   Conduct an election for a chairperson and deputy chairperson consistent with the election process for chairpersons of county council in the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 and that:

          i).     If there is more than one nomination, council resolve the method of election (to be either by preferential ballot, ordinary ballot or open voting); and

         ii).     The result of the election (including the names of those elected) be declared at the meeting and that those elected hold office for two years.

·      Election of chairperson

The General Manager, as Returning Officer, advised the meeting that one nomination for Chair was received, Cr Robert Mustow

The General Manager declared Cr Mustow elected Chair for the ensuing two years.

·      Election of deputy chairperson


The General Manager, as Returning Officer, advised the meeting that one nomination for Deputy Chair was received, Cr Cadwallader.

The General Manager declared Cr Cadwallader elected Deputy Chair for the ensuing two years.

Cr Mustow took the Chair.


RESOLVED (Cadwallader/Rob) that Council:

1.   Conduct an election for a chairperson and deputy chairperson consistent with the election process for chairpersons of county council in the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 and that:

          i).     If there is more than one nomination, council resolve the method of election (to be either by preferential ballot, ordinary ballot or open voting); and

         ii).     The result of the election (including the names of those elected) be declared at the meeting and that those elected hold office for two years.

·      Election of chairperson

The General Manager, as Returning Officer, advised the meeting that one nomination for Chair was received, Cr Robert Mustow

The General Manager declared Cr Mustow elected Chair for the ensuing two years.

·      Election of deputy chairperson


The General Manager, as Returning Officer, advised the meeting that one nomination for Deputy Chair was received, Cr Cadwallader.

The General Manager declared Cr Cadwallader elected Deputy Chair for the ensuing two years.

Cr Mustow took the Chair.

Recorded Vote
TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
Election of chairperson and deputy chairperson Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 2.

    Acknowledgement of Country

    Council would like to show its respect and acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Land, of Elders past, present and emerging, on which this meeting takes place.


    Council showed its respect and acknowledged the Traditional Custodians of the Land, of all Elders, past, present and emerging, on which the meeting took place.


    Confirmation of Minutes of previous meeting


    Rous County Council Minutes 20 October 2021 pdf icon PDF 464 KB


    RESOLVED (Cadwallader/Humphrys) that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held 20 October 2021 be confirmed as presented.


    RESOLVED (Cadwallader/Humphrys) that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held 20 October 2021 be confirmed as presented.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Rous County Council Minutes 20 October 2021 Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 4.

    Disclosure of Interest


    Cr Rob declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest relating to the cultural heritage report referred to in the Notice of Motion - Dunoon Dam.


    General Manager reports


    Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee - appointment of Councillor Members pdf icon PDF 301 KB


    RESOLVED (Gordon/Humphrys) that nominations for a primary and alternate member on the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee be sought from Councillors (excluding the Chair).

    One nomination was received from Cr Rob for primary member. Nil nominations received for alternate member.

    Cr Rob was declared primary member of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.



    RESOLVED (Gordon/Humphrys) that nominations for a primary and alternate member on the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee be sought from Councillors (excluding the Chair).

    One nomination was received from Cr Rob for primary member. Nil nominations received for alternate member.

    Cr Rob was declared primary member of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.


    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee - appointment of Councillor Members Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 5.2

    Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group - appointment of Councillor Members pdf icon PDF 128 KB

    Additional documents:


    RESOLVED (Ndiaye/Rob) that nominations for the appointment of Councillor Member and alternate Councillor Member as Chair of the Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group (RAPAG) be sought from councillors; Chair’s duration being for the term of this Council.

    One nomination was received from Cr Ndiaye for Chair and one nomination was received from Cr Rob for alternate Chair.

    Cr Ndiaye was declared Chair and Cr Rob declared alternate Chair of the Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group; duration being for the term of this Council.



    RESOLVED (Ndiaye/Rob) that nominations for the appointment of Councillor Member and alternate Councillor Member as Chair of the Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group (RAPAG) be sought from councillors; Chair’s duration being for the term of this Council.

    One nomination was received from Cr Ndiaye for Chair and one nomination was received from Cr Rob for alternate Chair.

    Cr Ndiaye was declared Chair and Cr Rob declared alternate Chair of the Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group; duration being for the term of this Council.


    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group - appointment of Councillor Members Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 6.

    Group Manager Corporate and Commercial reports


    Quarterly Budget Review Statement for quarter ending 31 December 2021 pdf icon PDF 609 KB


    RESOLVED (Bruem/Humphrys) that Council:

    1.     Note the results presented in the Quarterly Budget Review Statement as at 31 December 2021 and authorise the variations to the amounts from those previously estimated.

    2.     Council makes representations to State members regarding changes to funding and concerns about local and regional impact on weeds management.


    RESOLVED (Bruem/Humphrys) that Council:

    1.     Note the results presented in the Quarterly Budget Review Statement as at 31 December 2021 and authorise the variations to the amounts from those previously estimated.

    2.     Council makes representations to State members regarding changes to funding and concerns about local and regional impact on weeds management.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Quarterly Budget Review Statement for quarter ending 31 December 2021 Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 6.2

    Retail water customer account assistance pdf icon PDF 238 KB


    RESOLVED (Cadwallader/Ndiaye) that Council in accordance with section 356 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993 and its ‘Retail Water Customer Account Assistance’ policy, approve financial assistance as listed in Table 1 of the report.


    RESOLVED (Cadwallader/Ndiaye) that Council in accordance with section 356 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993 and its ‘Retail Water Customer Account Assistance’ policy, approve financial assistance as listed in Table 1 of the report.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Retail water customer account assistance Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 6.3

    Southern Cross University: Rising Star scholarship program pdf icon PDF 109 KB


    RESOLVED (Rob/Ndiaye) that Council approve the renewal of sponsorship for the Southern Cross University Rising Stars Scholarship program for a total of three (3) one-year scholarships of $5,000 per annum with the first scholarship to be granted in 2022 and subsequent scholarships offered in 2023 and 2024.


    RESOLVED (Rob/Ndiaye) that Council approve the renewal of sponsorship for the Southern Cross University Rising Stars Scholarship program for a total of three (3) one-year scholarships of $5,000 per annum with the first scholarship to be granted in 2022 and subsequent scholarships offered in 2023 and 2024.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Southern Cross University: Rising Star scholarship program Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 7.

    Information reports pdf icon PDF 445 KB

    Additional documents:


    RESOLVED (Humphrys/Cadwallader) that the following reports be received and noted:

    1.  Fluoride plant dosing performance: October to December 2021 (refer to resolution below)

    2.  Audit Risk and Improvement Committee: meeting update

    3.  Environmental Management System action list progress update 2021

    4.  Debt write-off information summary

    5.  Investments - January 2022

    6.  Water production and usage January 2022

    7.  Reports/actions pending


    MOVED a motion (Cadwallader/Bruem) that fluoride dosing performance information reports no longer be included as part of the Council agenda; however dosing exceedances be reported to Council.


    On being put to the meeting the MOTION was CARRIED.


    RESOLVED (Cadwallader/Bruem) that fluoride dosing performance information reports no longer be included as part of the Council agenda; however dosing exceedances be reported to Council.




    RESOLVED (Rob/Lyon) that Council suspend standing orders to deal with Notice of Motion - Dunoon Dam (Item 12).



    RESOLVED (Humphrys/Cadwallader) that the following reports be received and noted:

    1.  Fluoride plant dosing performance: October to December 2021 (refer to resolution below)

    2.  Audit Risk and Improvement Committee: meeting update

    3.  Environmental Management System action list progress update 2021

    4.  Debt write-off information summary

    5.  Investments - January 2022

    6.  Water production and usage January 2022

    7.  Reports/actions pending


    MOVED a motion (Cadwallader/Bruem) that fluoride dosing performance information reports no longer be included as part of the Council agenda; however dosing exceedances be reported to Council.


    On being put to the meeting the MOTION was CARRIED.


    RESOLVED (Cadwallader/Bruem) that fluoride dosing performance information reports no longer be included as part of the Council agenda; however dosing exceedances be reported to Council.




    RESOLVED (Rob/Lyon) that Council suspend standing orders to deal with Notice of Motion - Dunoon Dam (Item 12).


    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Information reports Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 8.

    Notice of Motion - Dunoon Dam pdf icon PDF 112 KB

    Additional documents:


    MOTION moved (Rob/Cadwallader) that Council:

    1.       Adopt Revision 7 of the Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) Strategy (Attachment 1) and update Revision 7 of the IWCM to reflect the inclusion of Dunoon dam investigations as part of the Future Water Project 2060.

    2.       Approve the completion of detailed cultural heritage and biodiversity assessments associated with the proposed Dunoon dam in consultation with relevant Traditional Custodians.

    3.       Defer implementing the resolution associated with the proposed Dunoon dam, resolved by Council at its meeting of 16 December 2020 (resolution [61/20] Item 2), until after Stage 3 options have been determined (Attachment 2).

    4.       Utilise existing budget allocations for Dunoon dam land management to progress the actions in Item 2.

    FORESHADOWED MOTION moved (Ndiaye/Lyon) that Council:

    1.       Hold a strategic planning workshop with staff exploring the implications of reintroducing the Dunoon Dam for consideration in The Future Water Strategy.

    2.       Receive a report on the environmental, social and economic impacts of reintroducing the Dunoon Dam as an option in The Future Water Strategy 2060.

    3.       Receive the report to the next available meeting. 


    RESOLVED (Rob/Cadwallader) that Council:

    1.       Adopt Revision 7 of the Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) Strategy (Attachment 1) and update Revision 7 of the IWCM to reflect the inclusion of Dunoon dam investigations as part of the Future Water Project 2060.

    2.       Approve the completion of detailed cultural heritage and biodiversity assessments associated with the proposed Dunoon dam in consultation with relevant Traditional Custodians.

    3.       Defer implementing the resolution associated with the proposed Dunoon dam, resolved by Council at its meeting of 16 December 2020 (resolution [61/20] Item 2), until after Stage 3 options have been determined (Attachment 2).

    4.       Utilise existing budget allocations for Dunoon dam land management to progress the actions in Item 2.



    MOTION moved (Rob/Cadwallader) that Council:

    1.       Adopt Revision 7 of the Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) Strategy (Attachment 1) and update Revision 7 of the IWCM to reflect the inclusion of Dunoon dam investigations as part of the Future Water Project 2060.

    2.       Approve the completion of detailed cultural heritage and biodiversity assessments associated with the proposed Dunoon dam in consultation with relevant Traditional Custodians.

    3.       Defer implementing the resolution associated with the proposed Dunoon dam, resolved by Council at its meeting of 16 December 2020 (resolution [61/20] Item 2), until after Stage 3 options have been determined (Attachment 2).

    4.       Utilise existing budget allocations for Dunoon dam land management to progress the actions in Item 2.

    FORESHADOWED MOTION moved (Ndiaye/Lyon) that Council:

    1.       Hold a strategic planning workshop with staff exploring the implications of reintroducing the Dunoon Dam for consideration in The Future Water Strategy.

    2.       Receive a report on the environmental, social and economic impacts of reintroducing the Dunoon Dam as an option in The Future Water Strategy 2060.

    3.       Receive the report to the next available meeting. 


    RESOLVED (Rob/Cadwallader) that Council:

    1.       Adopt Revision 7 of the Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) Strategy (Attachment 1) and update Revision 7 of the IWCM to reflect the inclusion of Dunoon dam investigations as part of the Future Water Project 2060.

    2.       Approve the completion of detailed cultural heritage and biodiversity assessments associated with the proposed Dunoon dam in consultation with relevant Traditional Custodians.

    3.       Defer implementing the resolution associated with the proposed Dunoon dam, resolved by Council at its meeting of 16 December 2020 (resolution [61/20] Item 2), until after Stage 3 options have been determined (Attachment 2).

    4.       Utilise existing budget allocations for Dunoon dam land management to progress the actions in Item 2.


    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Notice of Motion - Dunoon Dam Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 9.

    Confidential matters pdf icon PDF 11 KB




    RESOLVED (Cadwallader/Humphrys)that Council move into Closed Council with the press and public excluded from the meeting based on the grounds detailed below:


    Report 1

    Retail water customer account assistance

    Grounds for closure

    Section 10A(2)(b) the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer.

    Report 2

    Duck Creek weir

    Grounds for closure

    Section 10A(2)(d) commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed: i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.


    The meeting moved to Closed Council at 11.55am




    RESOLVED (Gordon/Cadwallader) that Council move to Open Council.


    The meeting moved to Open Council at 12.14pm.


    The Chair advised the meeting is now in Open Council and the resolutions from Closed Council are now publicly available. The General Manager read to the meeting the following resolutions of Council:


    Retail water customer account assistance


    RESOLVED (Bruem/Rob) that Council in accordance with section 582 of the Local Government Act 1993 and its ‘Retail Water Customer Account Assistance’ policy, approve financial assistance as listed in Table 1 of the report, subject to receipt of a valid Water Use Audit Report.


    RESOLVED (Bruem/Rob) that Council in accordance with section 582 of the Local Government Act 1993 and its ‘Retail Water Customer Account Assistance’ policy, approve financial assistance as listed in Table 1 of the report, subject to receipt of a valid Water Use Audit Report.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Retail water customer account assistance Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 9.2

    Duck Creek Weir


    RESOLVED (Gordon/Cadwallader) that Council:

    1.    Note the information provided in the Council report including the attached Acumentis® valuation report dated 2 November 2021.

    2.    Authorise the Group Manager Planning and Delivery to:

    (a)  enter into direct negotiations for the sale of Uralba Road, Lynwood NSW and Bruxner Highway, Alstonville NSW (being the whole of the land contained within folios 1/927733 and 1/123653) (the ‘property’); and

    (b)  accept an offer for the purchase of the property provided the minimum conditions of sale set out in the Council report can be satisfied.

    3.    Authorise the General Manager and Chair to sign the contract for sale and purchase, and any other necessary documentation under seal to affect the sale and transfer of the property.


    RESOLVED (Gordon/Cadwallader) that Council:

    1.    Note the information provided in the Council report including the attached Acumentis® valuation report dated 2 November 2021.

    2.    Authorise the Group Manager Planning and Delivery to:

    (a)  enter into direct negotiations for the sale of Uralba Road, Lynwood NSW and Bruxner Highway, Alstonville NSW (being the whole of the land contained within folios 1/927733 and 1/123653) (the ‘property’); and

    (b)  accept an offer for the purchase of the property provided the minimum conditions of sale set out in the Council report can be satisfied.

    3.    Authorise the General Manager and Chair to sign the contract for sale and purchase, and any other necessary documentation under seal to affect the sale and transfer of the property.

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    Duck Creek Weir Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 10.

    Matters of urgency





    Notice of Motion / Questions on Notice


    Notice of Motion – Dunoon Dam was dealt with earlier in the meeting (refer to Item 10).


    Notice of Motion – Dunoon Dam was dealt with earlier in the meeting (refer to Item 10).


    Close of business