Agenda, decisions and minutes

Council Meeting - Wednesday, 20th October, 2021 1.00 pm

Venue: Administration Office, 218-232 Molesworth Street, Lismore. View directions

Contact: Noeline Smith 


No. Item


Confirmation of Minutes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 561 KB

Additional documents:


i). Ordinary Council meeting 16 June 2021


RESOLVED [40/21] (Cadwallader/Mustow) that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held 16  June 2021 be confirmed as presented.


ii). Extraordinary Council meeting 21 July 2021


RESOLVED [41/21] (Cadwallader/Mustow) that the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held 17 March 2021 be confirmed as presented subject to change of’ Voting against’ to be updated to ‘Voting for’ (as noted prior to resolution 39/21).


Disclosure of Interest





·       Brian Wilkinson, Chairperson (Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee) will be in attendance to present on his report: ‘Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Performance Review: period 2020-2021’ (refer pp. 239-242).


·       Geoff Dwyer and Richard Watkinson (Thomas Noble Russell) to present the Annual Financial Reports and Audit Report for y.e. 30 June 2021 (refer pp. 13-102.)


·             Geoff Dwyer and Richard Watkinson (Thomas Noble Russell) to present the Annual Financial Reports and Audit Report for y.e. 30 June 2021.


The Chair thanked Geoff Dwyer for his presentation and on behalf of Council, and extended best wishes for the future.


·             Brian Wilkinson, Chairperson (Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee) will be in attendance to present on his report: ‘Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Performance Review: period 2020-2021’.


The Chair thanked Brian Wilkinson for his attendance and informative update on the review of the ARIC Committee. 


General Manager reports


Council meeting schedule 2022 pdf icon PDF 126 KB


RESOLVED [42/21] (Cadwallader/Cook) that Council determine its meeting schedule for 2022 with meetings to be held on the third Wednesdays commencing 10.00am at Rous County Council Administration Centre on 16 February; 20 April; 15 June; 17 August; 19 October and 14 December.



RESOLVED [42/21](Cadwallader/Cook) that Council determine its meeting schedule for 2022 with meetings to be held on the third Wednesdays commencing 10.00am at Rous County Council Administration Centre on 16 February; 20 April; 15 June; 17 August; 19 October and 14 December.


Group Manager Corporate and Commercial reports


Annual Financial Reports and Audit Report for year ending 30 June 2021 pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED[43/21] (Cook/Coorey) that Council:


1.    In accordance with section 413 (2c) of the Local Government Act 1993 and clause 215 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 adopt the 2020/21 Audited Financial Reports and “Statement by Councillors and Management” for both the General-Purpose Financial Reports and the Special Purpose Financial Reports, with the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson delegated to sign on behalf of Council.

2.    Note that public notice for the presentation of the draft 2020/21 Financial Reports was issued on Wednesday, 13 October 2021 and invited both inspection and submissions.

3.    Forward a copy of the 2020/21 Audited Financial Reports to the Office of Local Government.

4.    Present the 2020/21 Audited Financial Reports to the public at Council’s 20 October 2021 meeting.


RESOLVED[43/21] (Cook/Coorey) that Council:


1.    In accordance with section 413 (2c) of the Local Government Act 1993 and clause 215 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 adopt the 2020/21 Audited Financial Reports and “Statement by Councillors and Management” for both the General-Purpose Financial Reports and the Special Purpose Financial Reports, with the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson delegated to sign on behalf of Council.


2.    Note that public notice for the presentation of the draft 2020/21 Financial Reports was issued on Wednesday, 13 October 2021 and invited both inspection and submissions.


3.    Forward a copy of the 2020/21 Audited Financial Reports to the Office of Local Government.


4.    Present the 2020/21 Audited Financial Reports to the public at Council’s 20 October 2021 meeting.


Quarterly Budget Review Statement for quarter ending 30 September 2021 pdf icon PDF 776 KB


RESOLVED[44/21] (Mustow/Coorey) that Council note the results presented in the Quarterly Budget Review Statement as at 30 September 2021 and authorise the variations to the amounts from those previously estimated.


Voting against Crs Cook and Ekins


Retail water customer account assistance pdf icon PDF 130 KB


RESOLVED[45/21] (Cadwallader/Coorey) that Council in accordance with section 356 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993 and its ‘Retail Water Customer Account Assistance’ policy, approve financial assistance as listed in Table 1 of the report.


Group Manager Planning and Delivery reports


Award of contract for the construction of an urban water supply bore - Clarence Moreton Basin Aquifer pdf icon PDF 139 KB


RESOLVED [46/21](Cook/Cameron) that Council:

1.         Accept the tender submitted by ‘The Impax Group Pty Ltd’ in the amount of $419,243 (incl GST) for the Construction of an Urban Water Supply Bore into the Clarence-Moreton Basin Aquifer at Wollongbar.


2.         Approve an additional amount of $42,000 (incl GST) as a contingency amount.


Voting against: Cr Cadwallader


Award of Contract - St Helena 600-525 elevated main corrosion repairs pdf icon PDF 2 MB


RESOLVED[47/21]Mustow/Cadwallader that Council:


1.         Accept the tender submitted by Advanced Concrete Engineering Pty Ltd in the amount of $620,011(incl GST) for the St Helena 600/525 - Elevated Main Corrosion Repairs.


2.         Approve an additional amount of $144,100 (incl GST) as a contingency amount.


Review of developer servicing charges for secondary dwellings pdf icon PDF 196 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED [48/21](Humphrys/Ekins) that:


1.        Council notes the update on the assessment and review of secondary dwelling water consumption and the financial impact to Council.


2.        The Development Servicing Plan for Bulk Water Supply 2016 methodology apply for all development applications lodged with constituent councils on or after 1 November 2021 for secondary dwelling bulk water developer contributions including granny flats.


3.        Council notes that its decision of 19 August 2015 ([72/15]) will continue to have effect for relevant development applications lodged with constituent councils but not yet determined as at 31 October 2021 inclusive.


Expansion of water fill station network update pdf icon PDF 339 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED[49/21](Humphrys/Cameron) that Council:


1.         Receive and note the update report.


2.         Approve the two public access fill stations as a permanent water supply for the community.


Deferral of Developer Contributions - SHIFT project pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED[50/21](Coorey/Cameron) that Council, under clause 2.5 of Council’s Development Servicing Plan for Bulk Water Supply 2016, approve the deferral of the Rous County Council developer contributions, payable by The S.H.I.F.T Project Byron Incorporated in relation to DA10.2021.399.1.


Group Manager People and Performance reports


Gallans Road reclassification pdf icon PDF 112 KB


RESOLVED[51/21](Cadwallader/Mustow) that Council note the advertisement for a period of 28-days (‘Notice Period’) regarding the proposed classification of the land known as and located at 57 Gallans Road, Ballina being Lot 57 in DP 1045745 (the ‘land’) as Operational Land, and:


a)         if no material submissions are received during the Notice Period, the land is classified as Operational Land for the purposes of section 31(2) of the Local Government Act 1993 without a further report being made to the governing body;or


b)         if material submissions are received during the Notice Period, Council will consider those submissions at its February 2022 meeting.




Backflow prevention (revised) pdf icon PDF 396 KB


RESOLVED[52/21] (Cameron/Coorey) that Council:


1.       Revoke the current Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control policy dated 20 March 2013 and any policy revived as a result of that revocation.


2.       Adopt the Backflow Prevention policy as attached to the report.


3.       Approve a budget of $1,250,000 funded by a loan from the ‘Bulk Fund’ to the ‘Retail Fund’, for the implementation of the Backflow Program.


Work Health and Safety (revised) pdf icon PDF 299 KB


RESOLVED[53/21] (Cameron/Coorey) that Council:


1.        Revoke the Work Health and Safety policy dated 20 February 2019 and any policies revived as a result of that revocation; and


2.        Adopt the revised Work Health and Safety policy attached to the report.


3.         WHS policy and procedures be incorporated within Councillors’ Induction.


Cyber Security (new) pdf icon PDF 245 KB


RESOLVED [54/21] (Cadwallader/Cameron) that Council:


1.      Revoke the Records Management policy dated 18June 2014, and any policy revised as a result of that revocation; and


2.      Adopt the draft Cyber Security policy attachedto thereport.


Cr Cameron left the meeting at 3.55pm and returned at 4.01pm.

Cr Cameron absent during voting.


Human Resources - employment conditions (new) pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED [55/21] (Cadwallader/Mustow) that Council:


1.      Revoke the existing ‘Human Resources - Employment Conditions’ policy dated 21 August 2019 and any policies revived as a result of that revocation. 


2.      Adopt theattachedrevised‘Human Resources- EmploymentConditions’ policy.


Information reports pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED[56/21] (Ekins/Cook) that the following information reports be received and noted:


1.         Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee - meeting update

2.         Annual ‘Model Code of Conduct Complaints Statistics’  

3.         Debt write-off information summary

4.         Delivery program progress update 1 January to 30 June 2021

5.         Demand management status report and scorecard 2020/2021

6.         Disclosure of Interest Returns

7.         Fluoride plant dosing performance report: April to June 2021

8.         Investments September 2021

9.         Local government election and term of chairperson and deputy chairperson

10.     Reports/actions pending.


FURTHER RESOLVED [57/21] (Ekins/Cook) that the former Water Production and Usage report be included as part of future Information Reports.


Councillors extended a special thank you to Cr Cook for her contribution to the ARIC Committee.


Matters of urgency




Questions without notice


Cr Ekins requested an update in relation to the Carrington Street sale.

General Manager advised response will be provided off-line (confidential matter).


Close of business