5 Purchase of Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant
Additional documents:
RESOLVED [36/24] (Gordon/Lyon)
1. That Council authorises the General Manager to:
(a) Do and sign all things necessary, including contracts, deeds and other necessary documentation, to secure the purchase and transfer of the land and assets set out in the body of this report from Ballina Shire Council, being:
(i) The Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant, land, water licences and water supply infrastructure assets, and ancillary network as described in this report and in Attachment 1, and
(ii) The Russellton Reservoir and land outlined in this report.
(b) In relation to (1)(a)(i) above, grant a caveatable interest in the Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant property to Ballina Shire Council, if requested, as security for payment by instalments of the purchase price.
2. That upon acquisition of the land identified in this report, it be classified as Operational Land for the purposes of ss25-27 of the Local Government Act 1993.
3. That the price for the land and asset transfer is to be as set out in this report.
4. That Council authorises the General Manager to enter into a Deed of Agreement with Ballina Shire Council which address the ongoing and future obligations of both parties.
5. That Council note the pending delegation from Ballina Shire Council required to operate the Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant and will consider and accept the delegation once made.
RESOLVED [37/24] (Gordon/Lyon)
1. That Council authorises the General Manager to:
(a) Do and sign all things necessary, including contracts, deeds and other necessary documentation, to secure the purchase and transfer of the land and assets set out in the body of this report from Ballina Shire Council, being:
(i) The Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant, land, water licences and water supply infrastructure assets, and ancillary network as described in this report and in Attachment 1, and
(ii) The Russellton Reservoir and land outlined in this report.
(b) In relation to (1)(a)(i) above, grant a caveatable interest in the Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant property to Ballina Shire Council, if requested, as security for payment by instalments of the purchase price.
2. That upon acquisition of the land identified in this report, it be classified as Operational Land for the purposes of ss25-27 of the Local Government Act 1993.
3. That the price for the land and asset transfer is to be as set out in this report.
4. That Council authorises the General Manager to enter into a Deed of Agreement with Ballina Shire Council which address the ongoing and future obligations of both parties.
5. That Council note the pending delegation from Ballina Shire Council required to operate the Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant and will consider and accept the delegation once made.
RESOLVED [38/24] (Humphrys/Cadwallader) that the meeting resume to Open Council.
The meeting moved to Open Council at 9.46am
The General Manager read to the meeting the following resolution of Council:
RESOLVED [37/24] (Gordon/Lyon)
6. That Council authorises the General Manager to:
(a) Do and sign all things necessary, including contracts, deeds and other necessary documentation, to secure the purchase and transfer of the land and assets set out in the body of this report from Ballina Shire Council, being:
(i) The Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant, land, water licences and water supply infrastructure assets, and ancillary network as described in this report and in Attachment 1, and
(ii) The Russellton Reservoir and land outlined in this report.
(b) In relation to (1)(a)(i) above, grant a caveatable interest in the Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant property to Ballina Shire Council, if requested, as security for payment by instalments of the purchase price.
7. That upon acquisition of the land identified in this report, it be classified as Operational Land for the purposes of ss25-27 of the Local Government Act 1993.
8. That the price for the land and asset transfer is to be as set out in this report.
9. That Council authorises the General Manager to enter into a Deed of Agreement with Ballina Shire Council which address the ongoing and future obligations of both parties.
That Council note the pending delegation from Ballina Shire Council required to operate the Marom Creek Water Treatment Plant and will consider and accept the delegation once made.