Issue - meetings

Rous Regional Water Supply - draft revised IWCM Strategy adoption (FWP2060)

Meeting: 21/07/2021 - Council Meeting (Item 4)

4 Rous Regional Water Supply - draft Revised IWCM Strategy adoption (FWP2060) pdf icon PDF 295 KB

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MOTION (Cook/Coorey) moved that Council:


1.       Receive and note the public exhibition review document attached to the report entitled ‘Future Water Plan 2060 Public Exhibition of revised Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy outcomes June 2021’ prepared by Vaxa Group, in relation to the revised draft Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) Strategy placed on public exhibition for 8 weeks from 1 April 2021 to 28 May 2021.


2.       Note that copies of submissions received during the public exhibition period are available on the Rous County Council website.


3.       Thank all persons and organisations that provided a submission to, or engaged in, the public exhibition and consultation process.


4.       Adopt and confirm the revised IWCM Strategy as resolved at the Extraordinary meeting on 17 March 2021.


5.       (a) Receive and note the letter dated 30 June 2021 from NTSCorp regarding various matters associated with the Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group and the Dunoon dam project Aboriginal cultural heritage report.

b) Receive a response from management on the matters outlined in the NTSCorp letter mentioned above at 5(a).

(c) Enter into genuine consultations with the relevant traditional custodians including Widjabul Wia-bal Native Title Claim Group prior to any decision being made by Rous in relation to the Dunoon Dam project area.


6.       Defer the report outlining options for dealing with land owned by Rous identified as part of the proposed Dunoon dam that was resolved by Council at its meeting of 16 December 2020 (resolution [61/20] Item 2), until after the next scheduled revision of the IWCM.

AMENDMENT (Cadwallader/Humphrys) moved that Council:

1.          Receive and note the public exhibition review document attached to this report entitled ‘Future Water Plan 2060 Public Exhibition of revised integrated Water Cycle Management outcomes June 2021’ prepared by Vaxa Group, in relation to the revised draft Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) Strategy placed on exhibition for 8 weeks from 1 April 2021 to 28 May 2021.

2.          Note that copies of submissions received during the public exhibition period are available on the Rous County Council website.

3.          Thank all persons and organisations that provided a submission to, or engaged in, the public exhibition and consultation process.


4.          Adopt the previous 2020 IWCM strategy as resolved at the ordinary meeting on 17th June 2020.


5.          (a) Receive and note the letter dated 30 June 2021 from NTSCorp regarding various matters associated with the Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group and the Dunoon Dam project Aboriginal cultural heritage report.

(b) Receive a response from management on the matters outlined in the NTSCorp letter mentioned above at 5(a).

6.          Approve the completion of detailed cultural heritage, geotechnical and biodiversity assessments associated with the proposed Dunoon Dam in consultation with relevant Traditional Custodians including the Widjabul Wia-bal Native Title Claim Group.

7.          Council staff to assess the level of financial support possible from State and Federal government.


8.          Approve the reallocation of $344,000 from the current 2021/22 financial year budgets for Stage 2 investigations to progress actions mentioned above at 6.


Cr  ...  view the full decision text for item 4


MOTION (Cook/Coorey) moved that Council:


1.       Receive and note the public exhibition review document attached to the report entitled ‘Future Water Plan 2060 Public Exhibition of revised Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy outcomes June 2021’ prepared by Vaxa Group, in relation to the revised draft Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) Strategy placed on public exhibition for 8 weeks from 1 April 2021 to 28 May 2021.


2.       Note that copies of submissions received during the public exhibition period are available on the Rous County Council website.


3.       Thank all persons and organisations that provided a submission to, or engaged in, the public exhibition and consultation process.


4.       Adopt and confirm the revised IWCM Strategy as resolved at the Extraordinary meeting on 17 March 2021.


5.       (a) Receive and note the letter dated 30 June 2021 from NTSCorp regarding various matters associated with the Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group and the Dunoon dam project Aboriginal cultural heritage report.

b) Receive a response from management on the matters outlined in the NTSCorp letter mentioned above at 5(a).

(c) Enter into genuine consultations with the relevant traditional custodians including Widjabul Wia-bal Native Title Claim Group prior to any decision being made by Rous in relation to the Dunoon Dam project area.


6.       Defer the report outlining options for dealing with land owned by Rous identified as part of the proposed Dunoon dam that was resolved by Council at its meeting of 16 December 2020 (resolution [61/20] Item 2), until after the next scheduled revision of the IWCM.

AMENDMENT (Cadwallader/Humphrys) moved that Council:

1.          Receive and note the public exhibition review document attached to this report entitled ‘Future Water Plan 2060 Public Exhibition of revised integrated Water Cycle Management outcomes June 2021’ prepared by Vaxa Group, in relation to the revised draft Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM) Strategy placed on exhibition for 8 weeks from 1 April 2021 to 28 May 2021.

2.          Note that copies of submissions received during the public exhibition period are available on the Rous County Council website.

3.          Thank all persons and organisations that provided a submission to, or engaged in, the public exhibition and consultation process.


4.          Adopt the previous 2020 IWCM strategy as resolved at the ordinary meeting on 17th June 2020.


5.          (a) Receive and note the letter dated 30 June 2021 from NTSCorp regarding various matters associated with the Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group and the Dunoon Dam project Aboriginal cultural heritage report.

(b) Receive a response from management on the matters outlined in the NTSCorp letter mentioned above at 5(a).

6.          Approve the completion of detailed cultural heritage, geotechnical and biodiversity assessments associated with the proposed Dunoon Dam in consultation with relevant Traditional Custodians including the Widjabul Wia-bal Native Title Claim Group.

7.          Council staff to assess the level of financial support possible from State and Federal government.


8.          Approve the reallocation of $344,000 from the current 2021/22 financial year budgets for Stage 2 investigations to progress actions mentioned above at 6.


Cr  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4